Wednesday, February 10, 2016

29 Faces Day 8, 9, & 10 - Some Memorable Faces

Stevie Nicks  ©Dayna Winters.
I find that some days I can produce three or four pieces, and other days I just can't even think about producing a thing.  Today was a good day and I played catch up with the 29 Faces Challenge.  With no ideas in mind, I browsed the Internet for some ideas.  As one would have it, when you browse the Internet it is often like and act of stream consciousness where you go from one seemingly random thing to another.

My first image is an effort at drawing Stevie Nicks, my second, Carolyn Jones in her role as Morticia in the 1964 television series of the Addams Family, and Wednesday, in the most current depictions of the Addams Family in films where she is played by Christina Ricci.

Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams ©Dayna Winters.
Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams ©Dayna Winters.


  1. You've done some amazing faces for this challenge.

  2. I was wondering who that girl is at the bottom, have I seen it somewhere and how likely it is for two of us to have seen the same person...until I read your text, Christina Ricci of course :)!
